Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business Marketing Strategies for Global Markets Assignment

Business Marketing Strategies for Global Markets - Assignment Example Some of the market entry options include direct export that entails producing products in the home country and selling them to overseas customers. Licensing, where licensor will provide an organization in the foreign market a license to manufacture the product or use the brand name and in return receive a payment. In addition, the use of joint venture that involves two organizations coming together to share the risk of market entry into a new foreign market (Root & Mark, 2006). The strategic significance of global market participation includes the following. The expansion provides the opportunity to increase sales as well as make profits; moreover, it leads to lower prices for goods and services to the customer due to the economies of scale derived from a larger global base and to bring down barriers to world trade and providing some protection in some countries and industries. There are the types of international strategies. The Multi-domestic strategy emphasizes product customization for each market. In addition, there is the Global strategy where products are the same in all countries where the business is involved. Lastly, the transnational strategy that tries to balance the efficiency while adjusting to the local preferences of various countries. Finally, the components of international strategy include the distinctive competence, the scope of operations and the resource deployment and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I.T. Assesment of ABC Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

I.T. Assesment of ABC Inc - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is ABC Inc., a multinational corporation based in the United States of America and deals with the designing and selling of computer software, personal computers as well as consumer electronics. The company has produced some of the well-known types of computers that are being used allover the world. The company has more the four hundred retail stores in fifteen nations, together with an online store. The company is the largest publicly traded worldwide by market capitalization. Whereby it overtops the Exxon Mobil by about sixty billion dollars, and also the largest and most popular technology corporation in the world in terms of profit and revenue, making it worth more than Microsoft and Google put together. As of November 20, 2011, the corporation had more than sixty five thousand permanent employees working around the clock and three thousand temporary full-time workers all over the world; its total annual sales hit the sixty five billion dolla r mark, moving up to one hundred and eight billion dollars in the year 2011. The company was even in the year 2008 named by the Fortune magazine as the most admired company in the United States of America. Therefore, this means that this is the biggest company in the industry of the production of computer-related products. The assessment of the company’s general control environment should be done determining the level at which the General Accounting Office management control standards are included in the plans, strategies, procedures and guidance that govern operations and programs. In its assessment, the following have been ensured (English 87). Compliance with the law: All costs, obligations and operations adhere to the applicable regulation and law. The allocation of resources is effectively and efficiently done for the rightly authorized purposes. Reasonable safeguards and assurance: The management controls give rational assurance that the company’s assets are prot ected or safeguarded against misappropriation, loss and waste. The management controls are rationally complete, logical, efficient and effective in the accomplishment of the objectives of management. Competence, attitude and integrity: Personal integrity is encouraged among the workers and managers. All personnel are compelled to support the programs of agency ethics. There is also effective communication between and within offices. GAO Specific Management Control Standards The following specific control standards have been addressed: Delegation of Organizational responsibilities and Authority: The management has ensured that there is appropriate definition and delegation of responsibility, accountability and authority in accomplishing the company’s mission statement. The company also has an appropriate organizational structure for the purposes of effectively carrying out the program responsibilities. Supervision and Separation of Duties: The key responsibilities and duties i n authorization, recording, reviewing and processing of official agency operations are separated or delegated among different individuals. There is proper managerial supervision for the purposes of ensuring that duties and responsibilities assigned to various individuals are not abused or exceeded (Albrecht and Albrecht 63). Accountability for and Access to Resources: There are some measures in place for limiting

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Paradox Of Omnipotence Philosophy Essay

The Paradox Of Omnipotence Philosophy Essay While tackling free will as a solution to the problem of evil, Mackie who holds that the problem adequately makes the existence of an omnipotent, wholly good God irrational, argues that God in his omnipotence could have made man with a free will to always choose the right thing. Gods failure to intervene in the evil application of free will can only be justified thus: that God gave man the highest liberty that He cannot control mans will. However, herein arises the paradox of omnipotence. If God created men so free that he cannot control their wills, then there is something he cannot do he cannot control mans will and would thus not be omnipotent, but if it be that God has the ability to have control over mans will, then He has failed at something creating a man whose will He has no control over and thus would not be omnipotent. When the query we are considering is phrased as a question: can God create a man who has such freedom that God cannot intervene in his actions, answering e ither yes or no leads to the implication that God fails at doing something and thus cannot be omnipotent. This paper will focus on the paradox of Omnipotence which would in and of itself prove the irrationality of the existence of a God who has a primary component of omnipotence. The mention of the sorounding content of Mackies paper Evil and Omnipotence only serves as background information on how he comes to encounter the paradox to be debated. I will define omnipotence, present the paradox in the common place example of the stone, then recount the paradox of omnipotence as Mackie describes it. The second part of my paper will attempt to solve the paradox of omnipotence by considering a restructured definition of the trouble presented by the paradox of omnipotence where I will categorize degrees of failure in levels. After observing that restrictions to omnipotence defeat the term itself, I will consider if the paradox can be solved rationally if the omnipotent being existed in timelessness. I will use the term omnipotence to mean all powerful. The paradox of omnipotence is commonly exemplified by the riddlelike question that one was told naughty children asked their pastors: whether God can create a stone he cannot lift where he answers in the affirmative, he would be admitting Gods inability to create a stone of certain characteristics, if he answered in the negative he would be admitting that there is something God cannot do lift the stone after creating it, thus each either answer would contradict omnipotence, a central tenement for the God of Western tradition. Mackie defines the God in question as omnipotent, discredits the coherence of omnipotence and therefore discredits the existence of a God defined with a primary characteristic of omnipotence. Like those who ask about the creation of the unliftable stone, Mackie asks whether God can create a being that he cannot control in the case of the man with free will. To the his objectors response (which he had anticipated earlier in the paper) that God creates casual laws or rules of logic which he chooses to follow, Mackie asks whether the omnipotent being can make rules which bind his power. This question plays out like that of creating of an omnipotent God creating man with free will: If God could create casual rules, despite choosing to follow them freely, His powers would be restricted by these rules and after their creation , He could do what these rules restrict Him from. Should the answer be negative, then there is something he cannot do he fails at the ability to create the causal laws. Mackie then says that one cannot respond by saying that his questions are not proper because if the a question of a similar nature was asked about man and machines: whether man can create a machine over which he has no control over, the question would be considered sound. He thus points to the notion of omnipotence as the source of the problem. He appreciates that theological determinists would argue that man in his assembly predisposed the machine to act in certain ways as did God in his creation of man and that being omniscient God was already aware of the specific actions man would take. However, Mackie highlights that the question is not on Gods original influence at creation but His continuos influence. Mackie compares the probability of Gods restriction by the laws of nature to a parliament that creates a law that liquidates its power. Can a parliament create a law that nullifies its power? If one answers yes, they would be considering a as a laws something set by a body that would no longer be valid as the item of governance. Yet if they say no, one would be denying the sovereignty of the body by saying there is a law it cant make. Contrasting actions arrive to the same denial of omnipotence. This implies that omnipotence as a concept is logically incoherent. Mackie solves this paradox by distinguishing between laws that govern the land (which he names first order laws) and laws that govern the law making body( which he calls second order laws). He says we can consider a parliament to have absolute power over the first order laws or a present parliament which has both absolute power over creation of laws for the land and laws governing itself but that we cannot conceive of a parli ament having control over laws that govern parliament yet guarantee that future parliaments will have absolute power over first order laws because the present parliament may remove a parliaments ability to create laws of the land. We can reconcile God and the laws of logic in the same way. If Gods powers were considered in the categories of power over creation and power to create the rules which creation shall follow. Then we can conceive of God always having omnipotence but none of his creation can have free will or that at one instance God could have both first and second order omnipotence in which he creates laws for creation to follow independently thereafter creation would determine its future in accordance with the laws assigned but that God would have relinquished his first order omnipotence of directly determining the actions of all of creation. Mackie reaches the conclusion that God can have omnipotence if it is categorized as above: one eternally or to have one and two at one instant but to forever relinquish 1 but not both powers continuously unless God were to exist outside time. I find Mackies attempt to reconcile omnipotence over eternity by creating orders compelling. It feels more natural to have an omnipotent being who cannot create a stone that he cant lift than it does to have him lack the ability to lift a stone. There is something to be said about that. Perhaps because the latter, yes, he can create a being that he cannot control seems self defeating and would in itself express a limit to his power in a positive sense. I say positive sense because something would exist of which he would not wield power over. That object in that sense would have power over him so to speak. However, in the first case of answering, no an omnipotent being cannot create something that he cannot control, it appears to be in accordance with his power that he does not create an object embedded with a limit to his power. Because no indicates that this object cannot be brought into existence, in its consideration it is an abstract limit to his power, not as real as that being he cannot control when we answer yes because that being already exists. This view would lead to levels of failure where in the first level of failure would be failing to create a stone he cannot lift is considered a comparatively more powerful state than the second level of there existing the being that cannot be controlled. Though the analogy is not exact to Mackies this is to say that I cannot equate my first level to his first order and my second level to his second order, it borrows from Mackie that we would have to put a restriction to explain or have omnipotence. Nevertheless I ran into the same point of the paradox that Mackie runs into: that the existence of the restriction contradicts the concept of omnipotence. Omnipotence is absolute and cannot have exception for this or the other ability. The stanford encyclopedia of philosophy defines omnipotence as maximal power so that the being possessing it only need to have a total power that beats every other beings, not the ability to do everything. This suggests a distinction between power and ability. Such omnipotent being is conceivable but is this really omnipotence? There is the suggestion of an essentially omnipotent being who cannot will Himself out of omnipotent, here again we run into the paradox. How can an all powerful being fail at something willing himself out of omnipotence. But if He could, He wouldnt be omnipotent, thus we would loose the eternity. If the discussion were to halt here, I would agree with Mackie that omnipotence is incoherent. However, there is the suggestion of God existing in timeless which Mackie touches on but immediately dismisses that might yet solve our paradox without proven irrational. Omnipotence as power in an absolute state would entail the ability to influence events which would appear to be beyond influence for being defined as past events. If God existed in time then, time would be his master and this would add to the unfeasibility of omnipotence. However, if we were to consider God to exist outside the frame of time, in timelessness, this would remove the confine of time. Suppose God could posses life all at once, as the Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy includes in the definition of timelessness. Imagine an instance that was eternal, so that events would not be a sequence within time but one unity as if they were simulteneous this would be the scope of this Gods life. Perhaps as all the time periods of the universe compressed as into one which He would experience as a whole. It is quite challenging to define timelessness without applying terms that refer to finite time because the words are all formed with reference to time and in defining timelessness w ould be negating ie. saying not time. Even the encyclopedias words life all at once use the word once which is itself takes from time. But this does not mean that the something like this supreme being cannot exist in timelessness. If one considers time as a frame, it suggests the possiblilty of factors outside time itself bringing this frame into existence. If we consider defining time in terms of change:We can observe the age of statue by observing it wear Sometimes we define time in terms of the change of the frame so that if we created a statue that did not wear out, we can observe (through the sense of sight) that it has existed for such and such a time by observing the change in its environment. Change around an object that isnt extended in space might be harder to quantify, but perhaps this would serve no purpose for if this being was experiencing all of life simultenously, there would be no change and thus no time. If it was the case that God experienced life all at once and there was happiness and sadness on earth, He would experience them both simulteneously. Perhaps contradiction is a term defined by the rules of our logic just the way there was a time when men laughed at the thought of flying but today we have planes. Ability and contradiction might defined in terms of the realm of possiblity perceived by that generation. Perhaps the contradiction even a frame of the human mind operating in a universe subject to natural laws and logic but just as the universe exists there could exists something other forms ( non universe forms) that follow different laws, perhaps even laws of contradiction if one can envision such a world, Gods form could be one such. The God of contradiction could create a stone that he cant lift, yet as all of life is in an instant, he would (at what would appear to us to be a different time) lift it as well. We can thus not rule out an omnipotent being in timelessness where omnipotence is conceivable. I agree with Mackie that a God who is eternally omnipotent, having absolute omnipotence to both influence events and create laws to govern how events are influenced is incoherent because he could at one instant create the rule that would restrict Himself from further influencing events. However, I disagree with Mackies dismissal of the concept of God in timelessness: if it is conceivable that God can experience life all at once: what to us would appear to be a sequence of events at different times within the frame of time would occur at one eternal instant so contradictions could occur. Perhaps if the definition of a thing is determined by the existence of its opposite, that we only notice red because other colors exist and perhaps if there were no other color we would just never conceive of any color altogether, if time exists, perhaps it is because we can imagine timelessness, or its possibility. Timelessness cannot be ruled out, consequently neither can an omnipotence that Mackie can grant if timelessness existed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Interpretation of “Dulce et Decorum Est” Essay -- Literary Analysi

What would it feel like to be in the middle of the bloodiest war in history? Surrounded by death on all sides it seems impossible that anybody would write poetry about this very subject. Thanks to the poem â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est,† Wilfred Owen gives the reader a small window into the horrors that he witnessed firsthand in the carnage of battle. Faced with death at every turn, Owen takes the time to chronicle these terrible events that happened shortly before his own death. Owen uses rhythm, rhyme, and imagery to convey the message that people should be careful glorifying war because it is a very traumatic event that takes many innocent lives. When a reader tries to understand the rhythm of â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† it becomes a bit tricky to find any type of rhythm. When reading shortly into the poem, one notices that there does seem to be a heartbeat to the poem when it states in line 3: â€Å"Till on the haunting flares we turned our back†. Owen uses iambic pentameter to achieve this pattern as almost all of the lines which have a rising meter and 5 feet. Having this underlying heartbeat to the poem speaks to the humanity and allows the reader to personalize with what is being said. Owen then contrasts the use of iambic pentameter in several lines including line 23 when he says, â€Å"Bitter as the cud†, as if to make that really stand out to the reader. Owen then further chops up the rhythm to make it seem as if he were telling a story to the reader. This is evident when an individual starts to encounter the heavy use of punctuation in when it says, â€Å"But limped on, blood-shood. All went l ame, all blind† (6). It also makes the poem more vivid throughout and makes the reader really stop and think about what is happening in the line. Owen a... ... that â€Å"someone was yelling out† (11), and that there was â€Å"blood† (22) â€Å"gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs† ( 23). With rich imagery being used throughout the poem, it becomes clear that Owen intended to use imagery to help the reader feel as if they were present in the situation along side of him. This allows the reader to personalize this situation and gain a better understanding of the message that is being sent. Through the use of rhythm, rhyme, and imagery Owen forces the reader to ponder about the thought that war isn’t an event that should be taken lightly. Many kind and brave soldiers have lost their lives over the history of humanity and that loss of life, while honorable, is extremely tragic. Thanks to Owen’s poetry people are able to look back at this time in history and hopefully learn valuable lessons about the value of human life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Attitude of the Filipino Essay

I was raised as a simple women and I seldom think of my â€Å"caprechos† even though I’m deprived with so many things. Although I’m earning my own money, I seldom think of my WANTS. That’s why I dont know how to react or feel on this kind of stories. But you know what I think? Some Filipinos who acts as if they’re filty rich have many debts! They show the fruit of their labor, oops! My mistake, the fruit of their â€Å"utang† (debt) You can’t measure sucess with what you have alone, but how many lives you’ve touched. hmm, i don’t think that a success story. for me, it really depends on the attitude formed and not on the nationality. Its sad to know that if someone sees for example a filipino nurse behaving against the norm set in their place, they would take it against most or all of the filipino nurses and stereotype them. every basket has a couple of rotten apples but the sad thing is the basket is known for having 2 rotten apples than having 98 good ones. what id like to read in this thread are the real success stories that they had after all those negativities they’ve encountered. there’s a lot of success stories about filipino nurses. but the recent post was very TRUE.. here’s another story†¦. – my mom is a CNA in chicago and she’s working in a nursing home. Im expecting to hear good values coz filipinos are very much known for good character. my mom was handling a 70 yr. old man and my mom maked sure that she took care of that patient and gave the old man a warm bath. she talked to the patient and asked if he wants to take his dinner. My mom lift the bed side rails and checked if its good enough to put the old man in bed. she endorsed the patient to her co-cna’s and her nurse buddy before taking her break.. job well done. but after 30 minutes during my mom’s break nurses on duty run to the old man’s room and found the patient lying on the floor and screaming for help. my mom maked sure that before her break bedside rails were lift but the filipino nurse didnt took care of the patient (my mom’s buddy and team for that shift) and instead of doing the rounce that nurse and her girlfriend sleep†¦. †¦ The incident was reported to the dna and both of the filipino nurse yelled that they didnt want that to happen.. and refused to talk w/ my mom.. duh..!!.. my mom is a good employee for 25 yrs. i dont know waht happened to the so called TLC is it only for the green bucks or tired of worked.. dont know†¦ i was really sad to hear that some filipino nurses were that arrogant and very iresponsible.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

National Reformation

The following paper will develop the theory that Dali and O’Keefe manipulated illusion of the real world in such a way to evoke visionary incoherence of the dream life.   Under this theory the paper will present several works by each artist and analyze these pieces to further illustrate surrealism and its use of expressing real events in a fantastical manner, as Janson states of surrealists, â€Å"They defined their aim as pure psychic automatism†¦intended to express†¦the true process of thought†¦free from the exercise of reason and from any aesthetic or moral purpose† (Janson â€Å"The History of Art† 807).Salvador Dali.In Dali’s oil on canvas The Persistence of Memory (1913) the theme of paranoia is persistent in this dreamscape.   The distortion of the piece exudes a frightening use of spatial mobility and form.   Surrealism is a way in which the expression of fantasy can be forthcoming in the world of Art.   Dali exemplifies this notion in his use of foreground and background shapes and the pure psychic automatism which is symbolized in the clocks.  Ã‚   Dali’s focus in this work is mainly about freedom;   although the context of this work is based on paranoia and the weightiness of time the work is also free from previous constraints of other artistic movements in that it is not a painting dedicated to reason or moral purpose.Dali’s painting is that of a dream and reason becomes a series of disjointed objects in space; there is no rhyme in his work unless it is free verse; that is to say that there is no structure as prior to surrealism the viewer is used to seeing structure.   Dali’s work often reflect what Virginia Woolf was so diligently experimenting with, which is unconscious writing or free narrative.   Dali painted as though the conscious mind was sleeping, and that is why his paintings are so often reminiscent of dreams as Janson states, â€Å"The notion that adream ca n be transposed by ‘automatiatic handwriting; directly from the unconscious mind to the canvas, bypassing the conscious awareness of the artist, did not work in practice.   Some degree of control was unavoidable.   Nevertheless, Surrealism stimulated several novel techniques for soliciting and exploiting chance effects† (Janson â€Å"The History of Art 807) .   Even the central figure in The Persistence of Memory is portrayed as though it were sleeping.The unfinished background is almost anachronistic with the foreground as it exhibits a cliff sliding off into a body of water.   It seems as though Dali made the background on purpose to confuse the viewer since dreams are intended to be symbolic of personal meaning.   The sky in the background also seems incomplete with no visible clouds but merely a color palette that drifts off into a sfumato haze.   The background however is not what Dali wanted the viewer to be stricken with as a first impression.The cent ral figure of the painting is unfinished as well.   Dali painted an eyeball, and a nose and made no more attention to the rest of the figure.   This feeling of incompleteness is unnerving and truly embodies the emotional state and perception of dreaming.   The painting is purely inspired by that part of Dali’s unconscious mind.   Although the painting exhibits that Dali used controlled in certain aspects of the work such as the use of diagonals, and linear shapes, but the overall impression of the painting lies within the angles, the objects and the general ambience of the piece.   The clocks themselves prove to be unnerving both their positions and their lack of solid form, as though they are oozing across the plane in the foreground and the limb near the horizon of the painting, as well as across the half finished face.Another artistic ploy that Dali uses in The Persistence of Memory is his use of shadow; not merely darkness but the chiaroscuro so prevalent in the piece.   This furthers the theory of this paper that Dali uses surrealism to tap into the unconscious and the dream world.   Dali does the opposite in this painting of previous artists; he places the darkness in the foreground of the painting and the brightness in the background.This is symbolic because Dali wants to evoke to the audience that in the dream world the objects that are in front of the dreamer’s face are not always tangible but looming and undefined.   In the background the objects are illuminated but this illumination does not add in defining the object because Dali here uses space to further illustrate his unconscious perspective; the objects in the background are too far away and cannot be seen.   Thus, each part of the painting is uncomfortably defined.   It is almost nonsensical; these objects of Dali’s in space without a coherent theme except for these persistence clocks.The clocks are the main meaning and focus of the painting and it is t hrough these objects that the theory of this paper rests.   The clocks present the theme of paranoia (as mentioned prior). Not only are they draped over the main objects in the foreground but their rendering is disconcerting.   Each clock offers a different time, and one clock is closed so that the viewer cannot decipher its time.It is interesting that Dali did not distort the closed clock; it signifies a secret and further exemplifies the state of the dream world present in this painting; that is, the one clock that could offer a valid time is closed and unable to be seen by the painter, or the audience.   The contention in the painting is that the central figure of the face is sleeping and is thus oblivious to the clocks, to time, to the unfinished landscape.   That is the quintessential meaning of a dream; the sleeping figure is unaware to symbolism, to action, to time, and that is how Dali exudes incoherence in the dream world.O’Keefe O’Keefe’s organ ic abstraction is what lends itself to the New Objectivity era of art as well as the thesis of this paper in the unconscious mind and dream images.   Her fantastical style was also tinted with expressionism and realism; which made her work that much more enticing.   This dichotomy of O’Keefe (realism and abstraction) ties in with the subconscious and dreamscape.   O’Keefe’s genius came with her incorporation of the abstract to the simpler approach of the object.   O’Keefe’s abstract works were very progressive, as Janson states, â€Å"†¦she practiced a form of organic abstraction indebted to Expressionism, but she also adopted the Precisionism of Charles Demuth, so that she is sometimes considered an abstract artist.   Her work often combined aspects of both approaches: as she assimilated a subject into her imagination, she would alter and simplify it to convey a personal meaning† (Janson â€Å"The History of Art† 817). Although her work exhibited quite a range of composition, and her objects were used in their real life definition their application in her paintings were representational of the dreamscape.   From objects such as rocks, flowers to skulls O’Keefe gave the art world a dichotomy of abstract and realism art.   Within the succinct contour of these objects O’Keefe embraced a range of colours; it is with these colors that the formation of the dreamscape begins to take shape.   In her Red Tree Yellow Sky piece the viewer is assailed by two brilliant and vibrant colours each in representation of the surrealist’s color palate.   The disharmony of colours is what transforms these otherwise banal portraits into the dreamscape and surrealist category.   The realism involved in these works is that the landscape in the southwest is directly correlated with O’Keefe’s representation of it but it is in her further emphasis of these colors, in their brillia ncy the viewer finds an unfamiliar painting that perhaps would best be defined in the nature of the unconscious.O’Keefe was very deliberate in her painting style; she seldom left her structure to chance (as Dali had and as Pollock had).   Although O’Keefe is famous for her renditions of flowers or vaginas it is her earlier charcoal drawings and especially her skulls that portray a slightly more lucid ambiance to her work.   Even in her plethora of flower portraits the grand scale of these blossoms leaves the imagination reeling.   Their color and their scale in dimension lead the viewer into a different interpretation of the natural world.   It is as though the viewer is given a chance to be Alice in Wonderland and to get a close up look at the intricate layers of a flower which does happen in real life (at least to the scale that O’Keefe represented).   In her presentation of the geometric form, her use of line, and her flat planes all lead to definin g O’Keefe as an abstract artist.As an abstract artist the use of the illusion of the real world (in O’Keefe’s case, her flower and skull pieces)   evokes in the audience a definite dreamscape.   This is proven by her presentation of proportion of an object.   Her Ram's Head, White Hollyhocks-Hills is a great example of this use of dimension.   The ram’s head is suspended in air with no body structure (real or skeletal) on which the skull could be supported; next to this picture is a hollyhock.   Although these two images when placed side by side as O’Keefe has done are not by any means disproportionate or grand in scale that fact that their surrounding environment is a background of a desert landscape suggests that these two objects are at once an integral part of this landscape but they are suspended beyond it’s realm as well.   This is how O’Keefe manages to portray the illusion of dream in her paintings.Another example of O’Keefe’s abstract art is Ranchos Church.   This painting is pure line, shading and geometric renditions.   There is no focus on a primary object (although the lines and shapes do appear to form a church) but instead the artist is working in the abstract form which is enhanced by the artist’s definition of shape.   O’Keefe does not reveal a definite structure in the painting and the only way to decipher what the painting is, is by reading the title.   This echoes what Dali was doing in his works; both artists give very vague definitions of their subjects and merely allow the viewer to surmise for themselves what the object is truly.The element that occurs continuously in O’Keefe’s work is that of the stark landscape.   Whenever O’Keefe renders the desert she paints a very stark portrait; albeit the desert is a very blanched atmospheric world, O’Keefe’s use of making it extremely stark is what further defines abstraction and the dream in her work.   These stark landscapes are devoid of life; the skulls, the sun baked clay and houses with no people are eerie in their rendering but this contrasted with the full and lush flowers is what marks dichotomy in Georgia O’Keefe.   Dreams are often times dichotomized, both in perspective and the realm between the unconscious and conscious mind.O’Keefe also represents the abstract dream world in her use of angles. Often times her subject matter is represented in full perspective, such as the skulls facing forward, the flowers are viewed in a direction that emphasizes their center and the landscape is typically level.   Each of these variables however lead to a false sense of reality since O’Keefe in typical New Objectivity style uses these angles to benefit her own sense of reality outside of the realm of linear thought, and time.   The skulls are blanched and suspended the flowers next to this picture of death are full of life (i.e. the   Ram's Head, White Hollyhocks-Hills).   It is within these several juxtapositions that O’Keefe embellishes in the dichotomy of life and death, dream and reality, color and the absence of color.ConclusionBoth of these artists work in the realm of the in between; their work is abstract in nature and each though representational of separate subject matter are linked in that their use of the illusion lends to the viewer a new perspective.   For both Dali and O’Keefe this illusion is necessary in the artwork because it enables the typical concepts of time and space to become secondary to symbolism.   The symbolism for Dali was in the clocks; how time makes a person paranoid but how this paranoia cannot be reflected as angst in an unconscious person.   O’Keefe gave her audience another perspective, a much grander in scale perspective of flowers.   These flowers viewed at this angle and up close allow the viewer to feel very close to the artwork and this personal feeling lends itself to the viewer in a voyeuristic fashion.   It is as though the viewer was invading the flower and this is what brings O’Keefe the quality of the abstract, of the illusion in dream.In the forms of every day objects in unfamiliar surroundings or placed in those surroundings in a less than familiar way (i.e. suspended) these artists give illusion in the real world and present this vision as a dream which is what I felt when I saw them.   The artworks become manipulated not only through the artists’ use of space by through the viewer’s interpretation of these objects and their strategic placement in the work which is the worth of the painting.   The reason they belong in a museum is because of their new inventions of perception:   for Dali the invention of dreamscape and the disintegration of it and for O’Keefe for her close up of nature.When asked if these art works influence Western Society the answer w ould be yes, in a Jungian way at least since both deal with the abstract or surreal elements of the psyche.   Since the pieces adhere to this element it is appropriate to say that their influence, although not a strong influence, has contributed to the progression of art in the Western world as is found with the avant-guarde work which is being created in modernity.When I asked another patron whether or not these works had influence on Western Society they answered no, because how could one painting so greatly influence an era of thought, and they doubted that new perception in art could create an entire new process of creation.   They did however believe the pieces should be in a museum because of the reputation of the artists but not necessarily for the artwork.   When I asked them how it made them feel they said they weren’t sure but perhaps they felt somewhat sad when they viewed the work because the colors and angles were so unfamiliar it was like being exposed too quickly to something too new and that left them out of touch with their base of knowledge which made them uncomfortable.Work CitedJanson, H.W. & Anthony F. Janson.   History of Art.   Fifth Edition Revised.   PrenticeHall, Inc., and Harry Abrams, Inc., Publishers.   New York.   1997. National Reformation A popular theme among developing nations is the modernization of the economic, social, and political forums. Countries are now looking to democracy to put themselves in a competitive position in the world market. Central Asia, which consists of Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikista, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, is continuing to show their strength and growth as they strive to demonstrate their independence and self-reliability separate from Russia. Kazakhstan has adopted democracy and has demonstrated how it has been a symbolism for growth, competitiveness, and success.In the last decade, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Central Asian countries have established an active presence in the international economy. Kazakhstan has represented a leading figure in Central Asia through modernization, reform, and democracy. As the fight against terrorism, development of democratic nations, and economic stability continues to parallel success and prosperous nations, the United States wants to be an â€Å"engine for change† in Central Asia.Since Kazakhstan gained its independence from Russia in 1991, it has made significant progress to prove its national purpose as a leader and innovator for the Central Asian region. Although President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan is a former Soviet leader who inherited Kazakhstan, he has been successful leading the country by socially, economically, and politically reforming the country.   â€Å"Kazakhstan’s economy is continuing its robust expansion, over the past six years, the gross domestic product has shown growth of just fewer than 10 percent in the first half of 2006.†( Kazakh 2)   Kazakhstan attributes this growth to its energy and large oil sector, gas, and mineral services.The country has introduced new concepts that other countries are now adopting due to its proven success like privatization reforms in the banking and mortgage industries and education reforms. Kazakhstan has been able sustain itsel f as a growing nation but it still relies heavily on Russia’s pipeline network for exporting much of its oil and natural gas. If the country is able to produce 3 million barrels per day, Kazakhstan will put itself as one of the worlds top 10 oil producing nations in the world.Kazakhstan has outlined a strategy for long-term domestic political stability and consolidation of their society. One of the top goals, which is, â€Å"to guarantee developing our own uniform civic motivation based on equality of opportunities for all the citizens of our country,† represents Kazakhstan strong belief in change for their country.The United States has shown its support to Central Asia; to countries like Georgia and Kazakhstan’s in their mutual goals to transform the state into a democratic nation. This transformation will be beneficial to the United States because it will bridge the lines of communication, by allowing for greater flexibility in areas dealing with oil, gas, and energy.With the help from the United States, President Nazarbayev has shared a vision of expansion and opportunities that extend beyond the boarders of Kazakhstan. Central Asian countries share the same vision of stability, prosperity, and democratic reform. As the people realize the growth potential of their country it has been a relatively easy battle for the government to conform the people to change. The reforms of the pension program, expansion of educational opportunities, reforms in the banking industry, all of these changes have and will continuously improve the livelihood of the citizens of the country.In a joint statement by the United States and Kazakhstan, â€Å"We will expand our joint activities to ensure the development of energy resources, while supporting economic diversification and reform, market principles, and the development of small and medium size enterprises. We recognize that peaceful democratization invests citizens in the future of their nation. Develop ing democratic institutions is therefore the crucial condition of long-term stability.† (Joint 1).Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan’s President has performed exceedingly well as the leader by implementing social, political, and economic reforms. It is completely evident that his goal is to provide economic stability in his country while being an example for Russia and other neighboring countries. GDP has risen, poverty is down, privatization reforms, and democracy on the horizon. Kazakhstan has broaden its export of oil and energy potential to countries like China and the United States, â€Å"it also joined the U.S.-sponsored Bu-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline that breaks Russia’s long-standing monopoly on delivering Caspian Sea oil to world markets. (Hill 3) Money is power; Kazakhstan has put itself in a powerful financial position through its energy and oil sector. â€Å"The Growth Competitiveness Index Rankings report ranks Kazakhstan as the most competitive of the post- Soviet states.†The country’s oil wealth has sprung vast investment opportunities across Central Asia. With plans on becoming part of the group of 10 leading exporters within a decade, Kazakhstan will need to expand the development of the country’s energy infrastructure to meet growing oil shipments to world markets. Kazakhstan’s surging economy continues to maintain economic growth and stability. However, while oil continues to be the biggest economic engine for Kazakhstan as it exports 80% of its oil, any drop in oil production will pose the biggest threat to the Kazakhstan economy. Exports could represent slow demand for the international community when there is fluctuating prices, lack of investments, and disagreements among neighboring nations regarding regional affairs.Although Russia is no longer a leading nation in this region it still has a lot of influence on Kazakhstan due to the pipeline control.   Kazakhstan relies on Russia’s pipeline to export its oil. Kazakhstan has a substantial investment in Georgia in its oil and gas sector. Currently Georgia and Russia are experiencing confrontation due to the Russian military occupancy in Georgia, this is putting Kazakhstan in the middle.This confrontation could hurt Kazakhstan’s oil exports as well as its ties with Georgia and the United States. Kazakhstan’s accession to the Baku-Tbilis-Ceyhan pipline is a bilateral move away from a heavy reliance Russia’s pipeline.A Colored Revolution in Kazakhstan has been a concern that analyst have identified since its independence in 1991. Kazakhstan has a large Slavic Population in the northern and eastern steppe regions. The Slavic population wants to obtain dual citizenship with Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as an establishment of the Russian language as recognized second state language. It would be to the best interest of the Kazakhstan government to develop a cohesive national identity for both Russians an d Kazakh’s alike. Still Nazarbayev â€Å"designated Russian the language of inter-ethnic communication, and has ensured non-ethnic Kazakhs still occupy significant posts in the government.† (Hill 5) This is an important step for the country as it represents a social and cultural step toward democracy. â€Å"Every day public servants must have the awareness of the strategic goals and priorities, and settle them without wasting their time in meddling with minor, daily chores.† (Prosperity)Kazakhstan has implemented an excellent idea to improve the education and skill of its young people to secure strength and profitability in the future. They have adopted an education reform that will send the brightest and best students from all over the country to study abroad. The students are then brought back home and placed in the Kazakhstan government, thereby diversifying the production of ideas that will be able to combat world issues. â€Å"In addition, Kazakhstan under Nazarbayev has not just sent its young people to study abroad, but has also launched a global quest for ideas on reform and modernization, as well as trying to learn from its own past mistakes.† (Hill 4)As the relationship between the United States and Kazakhstan grows the ideas and progress that they produce together becomes an example for other Central Asian countries.Kazakhstan is an active player in the fight against international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It even â€Å"rid itself of the weapons in cooperation with the Unites States under the Nunn-Lugar program.† (Central 1). They’ve sealed nuclear testing tunnels, transported enriched uranium to the United States, and have become a proud member in the fight against terrorism. It has even vowed to help Afghanistan in its fight against terrorism and narcotics.The United States and Kazakhstan share a similar vision to an end to terrorism and corruption. The United States h as enumerated its desire to assist financially, and to cooperate in matters regarding enhancement of regional security and economic improvements. The United States and Kazakhstan together plan to strengthen their relationship into a partnership through educate one another concerning national, regional, worldwide matters.Kazakhstan has shown great interest in the matters evolving around Iraq and Afghanistan. They are committed and determined to partner with the United States in the strengthening these countries. Kazakhstan has already committed over 800 of its military personnel to the cause and is prepared to enter strategic relationships with Middle Eastern countries to obtain peace for the region.There are many challenges that Kazakhstan faces regarding national security ranging â€Å"from terrorism to a significant narcotics problem, which is always accompanied with a lot of criminal activity and other threats to security.†( Abizaid 1) For this reason, Kazakhstan is workin g extensively with the United States to strengthen is defense capabilities on the Caspian Sea. They have vowed to strengthen and broaden their military capabilities in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal proliferation of weapons, etc. The United States defense officials have been speaking with Kazakhstan officials on ways to strengthen military ties between the U.S. and Kazakhstan. This is an important and strategic move for Kazakhstan leaders, they are a relatively new country and it is important to strengthen their defense capabilities to secure their future endeavors.They are placing security forces along the Caspian Sea Region as this region poses the biggest threat to the country. Their goal is to provide an organized, professional military force. Kazakhstan is also working very closely with the United States to expand their military presence in neighboring Afghanistan in an effort to strengthen its country.â€Å"That's why it is utterly indispensable to set up a system in which each and every ministry and department would organize its work in such a way that each day, month and year could bring us ever nearer to the objectives we've set.† (Prosperity). Kazakhstan has admitted that they could use advice and analyze the tendencies from other countries in their effort to rebuild and reform Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan has publicly made commitments to provide assistance to Afghanistan in their fight to counter narcotics. The Central Asian country has been building strong strategic relationships with its neighboring countries and other countries in the international community that share the same views. For example they have extended a promise to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.â€Å"We shall advance to strengthening of our relationships with Russia, China, Central Asian neighbors, Islamic states and Western countries.† (Prosperity) This relationship building efforts made by Kazakhstan represents their commitment to enhance regional security and economic integration by forming strategic partnerships within Central Asia. Kazakhstan has created strategic partnerships with countries like China, Kazakhstan understands that it is important to keep relations with these countries because they all still share common goals of sustainability, economic growth, and international terrorism.Kazakhstan has identified a system where strategic planning, strategic control, accountability and responsibility are its major objectives. Kazakhstan need for a government who views the world according to 21st century realities and who doesn’t apply 20th century problem-solving methods to 21st century problems will become evident as the country incorporates its long term goals. These goals of National Security, health, education, and welfare of it people, economic growth and political stability, and consolidation of society will all play an integral role Kazakhstan desire to maintain an image in the world as a regional power with economic stability. Kazakhstan has a bright future ahead, with all of the factors of production in place, and the right leadership and cooperation with the international community and particularly its regional neighbors, this country will be representative of a leader in the world economy.Works Citedâ€Å"Abizaid Visits Kazakhstan, Strengthens Military Ties.† Kazakhstan News Bulletin 4 August 2006.â€Å"Central Asia Declares Itself a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.† Kazakhstan News Bulletin11 September 2006., Fiona. â€Å"Whither Kazakhstan?† The National Interest Jun. 2005â€Å"Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Kazakhstan.† Kazakhstan News Bulletin 29 September 2006.â€Å"Kazakh Economy Shows No Slowdown, Grows 9.3 Percent.† Kazakhstan News Bu lletin 18 August 2006.â€Å"Kazakhstan Support Russia-US Initiative Against Nuclear Terrorism.† Kazakhstan News Bulletin 17 July 2006â€Å"Nazarbayev Sworn in as Kazakhstan’s President for New Term, Stresses Democracy, Growth and Security.† Kazakhstan News Bulletin 13 January 2006.â€Å"Prosperity, Security and Ever Growing Welfare of all the Kazakhstanis.† Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in India

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Habits and Traits of Centipedes, Class Chilopoda

Habits and Traits of Centipedes, Class Chilopoda Taken literally, the name centipede means one hundred feet. While they do have a lot of legs, the name is really a misnomer. Centipedes can have anywhere from 30 to over 300 legs, depending on the species. Class Chilopoda Characteristics Centipedes belong to the phylum Arthropoda and share all the characteristic arthropod traits with their cousins (insects and spiders). But beyond that, centipedes are in a class by themselves: the class Chilopoda. Description Centipede legs extend visibly from the body, with the final pairs of legs trailing behind it. This allows them to run quite fast, either in pursuit of prey or in flight from predators. Centipedes have just one pair of legs per body segment, a key distinction from millipedes. The centipede body is long and flattened, with a long pair of antennae protruding from the head. A modified pair of front legs functions as fangs used to inject venom and immobilize prey. Diet Centipedes prey on insects and other small animals. Some species also scavenge on dead or decaying plants or animals. Giant centipedes, which inhabit South America, feed on much larger animals, including mice, frogs, and snakes. While house centipedes may be creepy to find in the home, you might want to think twice about harming them. House centipedes feed on insects, including the egg cases of cockroaches. Life Cycle Centipedes may live for as long as six years. In tropical environments, centipede reproduction usually continues year-round. In seasonal climates, centipedes overwinter as adults and reemerge from their sheltered hideaways in spring. Centipedes undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, with three life stages. In most centipede species, females lay their eggs in soil or other damp organic matter. The nymphs hatch and go through a progressive series of molts until they reach adulthood. In many species, young nymphs have fewer pairs of legs than their parents. With each molt, the nymphs gain more pairs of legs. Special Adaptations and Defenses When threatened, centipedes use a number of different strategies to defend themselves. Large, tropical centipedes dont hesitate to attack and can inflict a painful bite. Stone centipedes use their long hind legs to throw a sticky substance at their attackers. The centipedes that live in the soil dont usually try to retaliate. Instead, they curl into a ball to protect themselves. House centipedes choose flight over fight, skittering quickly out of harms way.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Historic Map Overlays in Google Maps

Historic Map Overlays in Google Maps Technology makes it fun these days to compare maps of the past with their modern-day equivalents to learn just where the nearest cemetery or church may have been or why your ancestors went to the next county to record their familys deeds and vital events. Historical overlay maps, which have been available for Google Maps and Google Earth  since 2006, make this type of cartographic research very fun and easy.  The premise behind a historic overlay map is that it can be layered directly on top of current road maps and/or satellite images. By adjusting the transparency of the historic maps, you can see through to the modern-day map behind to compare the similarities and differences between old and new maps, and study the changes in your selected location over time. A great tool for genealogists! Hundreds, and more likely thousands, of organizations, developers, and even individuals have created historic overlap maps for the online tool Google Maps (nice for people who dont want to download the Google Earth software). 120 historical maps from the David Rumsey Map Collection, for example, were integrated into Google Maps last year. Additional historic map overlays you might want to explore include  North Carolina Historic Overlay Maps,  Scotland Historical Map Overlays,  Henry Hudson 400  and  Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network. If you really love these historic overlay maps, you may want to download the free Google Earth software. There are many more historic map overlays available through Google Earth, than through Google Maps, including many posted directly by Google. You can find the historical maps in the sidebar section titled layers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Approaches to Teaching Listening Skills

Approaches to Teaching Listening Skills Among the other four skills, listening is the one that has been most forgotten and neglected in second language classrooms. So teachers don’t pay much attention to this skill and teach it carelessly. In the field of language teaching and learning proficiency has tended to be viewed as the ability of speaking and writing in language in question. Listening and reading skills are in the second position. One reason for this situation might be the demanding characteristic of the listening skill. Listening has gained a new importance in language classrooms after spreading IT technology based information in society in Iran. Moreover it should be mentioned that most of the students’ class time is devoted to the listening. Despite this, we often take importance of listening for granted, and it is the most overlooked skill among other skills. In natural order of learning any language, listening stands at first rank. Without any reception one can not produce anything. Though, if a teacher wants to have fluent and productive students, he/she should pay much and necessary attention to teaching listening skill. Listening Some of the teachers believe that speaking should be actively discouraged. One of the reasons of emphasizing listening and delaying speaking is based on an opinion. Those who give importance to speaking view the language as a product and think that language is a behavior and speaking is the manifestation of this learning or happening. On the contrary, there are approaches that gave more importance to listening Nation, Newton (2009). in this approach of language learning , listening is at the center. All of the information necessary for building up the knowledge for using language comes from receptive skills: listening, and reading. When the knowledge of language in this regard is built the learner can write and speak. In other words, with out any input, the outcome or output should be nothing. Gray and Gray (1981) described the benefits of del aying speaking and concentrating on listening. These benefits include the following: † 1. The learner is not overloaded by having to focus on two or more skills at the same time-a cognitive benefit. 2. Speed of coverage -receptive knowledge grows faster than productive knowledge. 3. It is easy to move very quickly to realistic communicative listening activities. 4. L earners will not feel shy or worried about their language classes. Having to speak a foreign language, particularly when you know very little, can be a frightening experience. 5. Listening activities are well studied to independent learning through listening to readings.† Critics believe that producing a language is not sufficient for learning. In language learning substantial quantities of receptive activity should be included in the mind for future use. To speak communicatively and to convey and understand the meaning, one should have a previous language knowledge and information in his/her mind. Models of listening Traditionally listening was viewed as a passive skill through which the listener or hearer received information sent by message senders. More recently listening is viewed as an active and interpretive process by which the message is not fixed but is made or created by participants. (Newton,Nation.2009)

Friday, October 18, 2019

EMTALA Scenario Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EMTALA Scenario Analysis - Term Paper Example An Analysis of the Situation From a casual glance, the situation is one that appears simple and dismissible, going by the orthopediatrician’s correspondence. This is because; at a casual glance, the status of the patient which is characterized by a non-displaced, splintable and easily detectable fracture is one that is not serious enough to warrant an emergency. Nevertheless, a critical reflection on the situation makes it clear that it is possible that the case may be complicated enough to warrant a legal suit against the hospital. This is especially the case if it turns out that the hospital’s orthopediatrician was either being economical with the truth, or read from an inaccurate source. Conversely, it is also possible that the participating hospital (the hospital that intends to transfer the patient) could be trying to refer the patient as a way of dumping the patient. How the Situation Is Impacted By EMTALA The situation, as misty (due to scantiness and contradicti on of information) as it is, totally applies to EMTALA mandate. The place of the participating hospital may be insignificant to the matter at hand. This is because the hospital could be having a deficiency of an emergency department. Secondly, the nature of the fracture is relatively less serious but may be very complicated. This is because to the layman, the fracture is less serious since it is less visible than compound, open and displaced fractures. However, the fact that pain, swelling and stiffness accompany non-displaced fractures is a matter that directly invokes emergency and thereby necessitating the consideration of EMTALA provisions. According to Bitterman (2011), EMTALA provisions describe medical emergency as a condition that manifests itself by acute and severe symptoms to an extent that failure to administer immediate medical attention places the patient’s health in danger and physiological and anatomical impairment. It is a fact that the non-displaced fracture is causing the patient severe physical pain and will also precipitate swelling and stiffness to the injured arm. Over time, bone and blood infections may ensue as the patient is left untreated. Nonetheless, despite all of these, the fact that EMTALA applies when there is an individual having a medical emergency, and when a request has been made on behalf of the individual for examination, treatment of a medical condition or both, makes the consideration of the patient more binding. In this case, there is a patient with a fractured arm, alongside a request placed by a participating hospital. Above all, even Levy and Pravikoff (2012) acknowledge that EMTALA stipulates that it matters not that the condition is palpable or perceptible to others or that the patient or the participating hospital is able to adduce evidence of the emergency or not. This means that the counterargument by the orthopediatrician that the fracture is a non-displaced one and that it can be splinted and seen in t he office is neither here nor there. The Decision to Make As the Administrator In the case presented, it will be important to have the patient with the fractured hand referred, even if his fracture seems not to warrant strictly urgent medical attention since it is non-displaced, splintable and easily detectable. The Rationale and Thought Process behind the Process The decision to have the patient referred to the hospital for an emergency treatment is very informed and

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Essay

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) - Essay Example During the last few years, United Kingdom has witnessed four important appeals from British citizens regarding an attack on their individual Christian Faiths. The UK Courts of Law have integrated the four incidents into two cases. They have gained prominence by the name of Eweida and Chaplin Vs the UK and Ladele and McFarlene Vs the UK.Initially, the applicants had approached the UK Courts of Law, who had rejected their appeal due to the non-fulfillment of certain conditions. However, the cases are still in its proceedings in the European Court of Human Rights. However, this time, the EHRC has decided to intervene to ensure a fair trial to the applicants. The Main Issues The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is a non-departmental public organization which was established according to UK’s Equality Act of 2006. It started functioning from October 2007 and was Britain’s only organization which supervised issues relating to equality and human rights in the countr y. The Commission works towards reducing inequality, eliminating discrimination and encouraging good relations among the citizens. It also ensures the protection of their rights in a variety of circumstances. On September 15, 2011 the EHRC notified the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) of its plan of intervening in four cases regarding the practice of religious discrimination in the workplace. These were four separate cases involved four British Government employees who were subject to unlawful discrimination regarding their Christian beliefs. The individuals involved were Nadia Eweida, a British Airways employee, Shirley Chaplin, a government hospital nurse, Lillian Ladelle, a marriage registrar in London and Gary McFarlane, a counselor. The European Court combined the cases of these four persons into two cases: Eweida and Chaplin Vs the UK and Ladele and McFarlene Vs the UK. In the first case, both the women were asked to conceal or remove the Christian cross worn on their ne cklaces, by their respective workplace authorities. Eweida worked as a check-in staff in the British Airways counter at London’s Heathrow Airport, while Chaplin was employed as a nurse in a government hospital. Being Christians by faith, both Eweida and Chaplin were used to wearing a cross tied to their necklaces. However, their respective management authorities did not approve of this and asked the women to either hide the cross beneath their clothes or stop wearing it altogether. This was definitely an attack on their religious sentiments. While the authorities accommodated the customs of employees belonging to other religions, they discriminated against these Christian women. In the second case, the two Christians Ladele and McFarlene were dismissed from their jobs as they refused to be involved in actions contradicting their religion. Ladelle was employed as a marriage registrar in London’s Islington Council. When she asked the authorities to exclude her from legal izing homosexual relationships, the management decided to discontinue her services. On the other hand, McFarlene served as a counselor in a government counseling service who used to provide advice to heterosexual as well as homosexual couples. However, in some cases he had declined to offer psycho-sexual therapy to homosexual couples and as a result was terminated from

Analysis a case study with reference to Bolman and deal four frames

Analysis a with reference to Bolman and deal four frames - Case Study Example In their work, Bolman and Deal (2003) found out an excellent approach in imparting both academic and entrepreneurial discipline in an individual professional. The balance upon attainment of these techniques results in good management qualities from an individual. The main objective of the skills acquisition is to ensure a smooth transition from clinical practice into new management roles. This study attempts to summarize the Four Frames in order to make a highlight of the distinct qualities that an individual must adopt to perform effective managerial roles. As a practicing clinician, one may feel the burden of moving into a new position of a senior manager since it requires some skills to transform from an ordinary practitioner into a more specialized role of a senior manager. To achieve this new role, Parry and Horton (1999), confirmed that holistic leadership and desired characteristics thereof involves assumption of greater importance to academics. The said leadership requires engagement ability and diverse approach to solve the difficult decision making problem. The tasks and roles that the new manager has to face require enlightenment that will best be suited by the use of Bolman and Deal recommended variety of approaches (Curran et al 2003). As a clinician, to make the relevant transformation, one must change the mindset and adopt the best leadership and management practices as outlined in Bolman and Deal (2003) study. Caution and confidence must be exercised. This is because some conflicts and relationship issues are involved as highlighted below. There are a number of conflicting issues involved as the clinician tries to adapt into the new unfamiliar managerial duties. These challenges have been classified into their respective Bolman and Deal Frames and possible solutions follow in form of qualities to adopt from Bolman and Deal (2003) study. Conservative versus change conflict: the manager

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Legal job protections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legal job protections - Essay Example Social Security Act enacted August 14, 1935, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1986, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 may protect Amanda. The 1935 Social Security Act requires eligible people to receive unemployment benefits when due (State of Wisconsin, 2014). Title VII protects employees from unlawful termination of employment (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2014). The COBRA guarantees Health Care Benefits to eligible employees who have lost their jobs. The 1935 Social Security Act may protect Amanda because she will qualify for unemployment benefits. The company will fire Amanda for unintentional actions. She has also worked for more than 680 hours in the company and received significant wages to launch a claim (The Employment Development Department, 2014). Amanda will be available and able to work though wholly unemployed. Amanda may enjoy unemployment benefits for 46 weeks. The COBRA may protect her health benefits for a limited period if the company terminates her employment. Indeed, Amanda and her family will enjoy their health benefits since her termination may not relate to gross misconduct. Moreover, the firm has more than 20 employees, and Amanda was a participant in the company’s health plan that mandates the company to continue maintaining the health scheme (U.S. Department of Labor, 2014). After termination, COBRA may guarantee health benefits to Amanda for a maximum of 18

Making Friends & Making Them Count by Em Griffin Term Paper

Making Friends & Making Them Count by Em Griffin - Term Paper Example According to Em, â€Å"Friendship is an art†, and the book analyzes the shape of the art. (Griffin, 7-10). The book mainly focuses on the communication aspects required within a relationship. However, it also explains the basic necessities of understanding and maintaining a friendship. Synopsis of the Story: Em Griffin started his book with his views on the interpersonal communication describing it as a â€Å"process of creating unique shared meaning† (Griffin, 13). He took examples of certain games and illustrated them to make the readers understand the importance of communication, and how it is related to a friendship between two persons. Bowling, ping pong, and charades were used by him to compare the communication process in these games and in relationships. He compared the bowling game with communication in the way a ball is delivered by a bowler which passes through a lane and strikes the audience, quite similar to the process by which a sender delivers his messag e which passes through a communication channel and reaches the receiver. Em took ping pong as another example to explain how it takes two people to complete a communication process, like the way the game needs â€Å"two to play†. ... Thus Em used logical examples with the help of games to explain the importance of interpersonal communication. (Griffin, 13-16). Em also described the process of interpersonal communication through ten rules which are: (Griffin 1) â€Å"Interpersonal communication is a process†, (Griffin 2) â€Å"Interpersonal communication starts with the self†, (Griffin 3) â€Å"The chances for effective communication increase as people become aware of their motives for getting together†, (Griffin 4) â€Å"People communicate to reduce uncertainty†, (Griffin 5) â€Å"Words don’t mean things, people mean things†, (Griffin 6) â€Å"You cannot not communicate†, (Griffin 7) â€Å"Without identification, there is no communication†, (Griffin 8) â€Å"To reveal oneself openly and honestly takes the rawest kind of courage†, (Griffin 9) â€Å"Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable†, and (10) â€Å"Communication=Content+Relationshi p†. (Griffin, 18-22). Em stressed on the communication aspect because communication is the most vital factor in any interpersonal relationship. In relationships like friendships, ineffective communication may destroy a relation. On the other hand, according to Em, effective communication, following the above mentioned ten rules may not only build strong relation but also maintain them. Thus, through the ten rules as mentioned above, Em tried to explain that interpersonal communication is a process which encompasses an â€Å"ongoing transaction†. When the transfer and getting of messages occur simultaneously, effective communication occurs. According to Em, interpersonal communication starts with the self because some people have a â€Å"self-concept† which may be an overestimated image and may affect the actions he takes, hurting relationships. When

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis a case study with reference to Bolman and deal four frames

Analysis a with reference to Bolman and deal four frames - Case Study Example In their work, Bolman and Deal (2003) found out an excellent approach in imparting both academic and entrepreneurial discipline in an individual professional. The balance upon attainment of these techniques results in good management qualities from an individual. The main objective of the skills acquisition is to ensure a smooth transition from clinical practice into new management roles. This study attempts to summarize the Four Frames in order to make a highlight of the distinct qualities that an individual must adopt to perform effective managerial roles. As a practicing clinician, one may feel the burden of moving into a new position of a senior manager since it requires some skills to transform from an ordinary practitioner into a more specialized role of a senior manager. To achieve this new role, Parry and Horton (1999), confirmed that holistic leadership and desired characteristics thereof involves assumption of greater importance to academics. The said leadership requires engagement ability and diverse approach to solve the difficult decision making problem. The tasks and roles that the new manager has to face require enlightenment that will best be suited by the use of Bolman and Deal recommended variety of approaches (Curran et al 2003). As a clinician, to make the relevant transformation, one must change the mindset and adopt the best leadership and management practices as outlined in Bolman and Deal (2003) study. Caution and confidence must be exercised. This is because some conflicts and relationship issues are involved as highlighted below. There are a number of conflicting issues involved as the clinician tries to adapt into the new unfamiliar managerial duties. These challenges have been classified into their respective Bolman and Deal Frames and possible solutions follow in form of qualities to adopt from Bolman and Deal (2003) study. Conservative versus change conflict: the manager

Making Friends & Making Them Count by Em Griffin Term Paper

Making Friends & Making Them Count by Em Griffin - Term Paper Example According to Em, â€Å"Friendship is an art†, and the book analyzes the shape of the art. (Griffin, 7-10). The book mainly focuses on the communication aspects required within a relationship. However, it also explains the basic necessities of understanding and maintaining a friendship. Synopsis of the Story: Em Griffin started his book with his views on the interpersonal communication describing it as a â€Å"process of creating unique shared meaning† (Griffin, 13). He took examples of certain games and illustrated them to make the readers understand the importance of communication, and how it is related to a friendship between two persons. Bowling, ping pong, and charades were used by him to compare the communication process in these games and in relationships. He compared the bowling game with communication in the way a ball is delivered by a bowler which passes through a lane and strikes the audience, quite similar to the process by which a sender delivers his messag e which passes through a communication channel and reaches the receiver. Em took ping pong as another example to explain how it takes two people to complete a communication process, like the way the game needs â€Å"two to play†. ... Thus Em used logical examples with the help of games to explain the importance of interpersonal communication. (Griffin, 13-16). Em also described the process of interpersonal communication through ten rules which are: (Griffin 1) â€Å"Interpersonal communication is a process†, (Griffin 2) â€Å"Interpersonal communication starts with the self†, (Griffin 3) â€Å"The chances for effective communication increase as people become aware of their motives for getting together†, (Griffin 4) â€Å"People communicate to reduce uncertainty†, (Griffin 5) â€Å"Words don’t mean things, people mean things†, (Griffin 6) â€Å"You cannot not communicate†, (Griffin 7) â€Å"Without identification, there is no communication†, (Griffin 8) â€Å"To reveal oneself openly and honestly takes the rawest kind of courage†, (Griffin 9) â€Å"Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable†, and (10) â€Å"Communication=Content+Relationshi p†. (Griffin, 18-22). Em stressed on the communication aspect because communication is the most vital factor in any interpersonal relationship. In relationships like friendships, ineffective communication may destroy a relation. On the other hand, according to Em, effective communication, following the above mentioned ten rules may not only build strong relation but also maintain them. Thus, through the ten rules as mentioned above, Em tried to explain that interpersonal communication is a process which encompasses an â€Å"ongoing transaction†. When the transfer and getting of messages occur simultaneously, effective communication occurs. According to Em, interpersonal communication starts with the self because some people have a â€Å"self-concept† which may be an overestimated image and may affect the actions he takes, hurting relationships. When

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Aging Healthy and Securely Essay Example for Free

Aging Healthy and Securely Essay Abstract Every individual reaches prime of life. Inevitably, we can not escape old age, unless a person dies young. The decision of where to live is one of the most challenging ordeals to cope with as one grows old. As the elderly individual grows old, their time on this earth becomes very valuable, thus, they want to spend their remaining lives securely and healthy.   Accordingly, it is of great importance that the government should provide housing options which recognize the value placed upon the latter years of ones’ life. Most importantly, housing programs must be created which answers the need for health care and security as well. One best program that this paper wishes to propose is to put up a housing community which incorporates the two most important needs of an elderly- medical attention and safety. The target population for this program would be those elderly individuals, particularly those in poor health, who can not afford to seek nursing care as well as those who do not have family members whom could attend to their needs. The selection of these elderly individuals whom the housing units will tend will be based on family backgrounds, economic status, financial capacity and other material details collated by an assigned committee. If funded sufficiently, this project will answer the needs for elderly housing and elderly care given the rapid growth in elderly population having the need of integrated services since the costs of isolated services are too high. Statement of Purpose To combat the problems introduced above, the (Name of submitting organization), proposes to have an elderly housing and health care program. As the elderly population continues to grow in number, and accordingly the need for adequate elderly housing services build up, the resources to offer services will drop off (Travis, 2006). Looking for a more effective technique of service delivery is of extreme importance. At the moment, on the other hand, the existing connections between elderly health and housing are weak at best. Seldom can you find a successful yet reasonably priced housing program that incorporates efficient health care for the elderly. In view of that, the most pleasing and most cost-efficient method of aging — aging in place — is not easy to attain, even under the most ideal conditions. Health and housing concerns of an elderly individual are frequently interconnected. To improve an effective method of service delivery, the long-term care system must mirror this interrelationship between health and housing. For this reason, the (Name of submitting organization) will propose to develop a stimulating and competent initiative for elderly housing with health care in the economically distressed neighborhood in Washington. This elderly housing and health care program will provide medical attention to the elderly individuals especially those who are weak or sick and at the same time the housing units will securely roofed them as they spend their precious years. The main objective of this program is to offer housing for the elderly since one of the most depressing problem that Washington now faces is the lack of elderly housing. What is more, this program aims to provide health care that the elderly individuals need. Similarly, the main goal of this program is to increase housing options for the elderly individuals. With this program sufficiently funded, it is expected that the outcome would be to have a health-friendly environment which eventually would lead to healthier and safer elderly individuals. Moreover, elderly individuals who have health problems or are looking for information concerning housing options must be able to get in touch with an on-site resident manager or with other program members on duty and be given the support and care that they need. The elderly housing and health program would surely bring about loads of benefits for the elderly individuals. As a result, problems like untimely death of elderly, increase in mortality rates, widespread of diseases, population congestion, increase in the number of persons with poor health conditions and other dilemmas related to elderly housing and health care would be worked out. Statement of Need   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Over and above the unpredictability of aging, one must be concerned with the actuality that the average life expectancy for the elderly is increasing, which results to higher possibility that the elderly these days will have to cope with some sort of chronic health condition.   For this reason, one’s ability to keep up the well-being and self-sufficiency while living out one’s abridged life tends to become a very expensive aim. This expense has an unfortunate effect on the majority of the elderly owing to the decreases in income after retirement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The elderly population is fast expanding while the core tax-paying population is decreasing. As the elderly population increases, and consequently the need for adequate elderly housing services intensify, the resources to offer services will drop off. There 34 million Americans over the age of 65. On average they constitute 10 to 13 percent of each state’s population. Those states with the highest concentration of the elderly are Florida, the northeastern region and the Midwestern corridor. Nevertheless, the number of elderly in Washington becomes alarming as well as its number rapidly increases. In 55 years, the number of people aging 65 years and above will more than double, the number of those 75 and older will triple and the number of people 85 and older will quintuple. The elderly population is projected to multiply twice as much in size to well over 70 million by 2025. The states that will experience the greatest growth in the number of residents over the age of 65 are in the west and south. As a percent of the total state population, states in the west and southwest will experience the greatest increases ( Lawler, 2001). Nearly all seniors own the homes in which they reside. The home-ownership rate for individuals between the age of 62 and 74 is 81.2 percent; between the ages of 75 and 84, it remains high at 76.9 percent. As these homeowners age and their bodies become weaker, the regular maintenance and preservation of a home can become bodily demanding to manage. As the health needs of an aging senior and the repair needs of an aging house increase, both place necessitates on the fixed income of a retiree (Lawler, 2001). The lack of housing for the elderly is one of the most depressing problems Washington DC is facing today. This situation exists because lesser priority is given to this problem. External researches reveal that there may be housing for the elderly like home for the aged yet it does not have the comprehensive health care program. Just the same, health care programs do not provide proper housing needs of the elderly. Hence, the program proposed above incorporates the housing and health care needs of the elderly individuals. In line with this dilemma, the Housing and Urban Development had also been advocating projects which concern elderly housing. The Section 202 program gives capital advances (no interest loans that are forgiven given that affordability requirements are met for 40 years) and Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRACs) for the construction or extensive rehabilitation and operation of residential projects and other related facilities for the elderly. Housing financed under this program may consist of proper support services for elderly persons who are weak or at risk of being institutionalized. A possible problem that may arise in connection with this project would be the difficulty on selecting potential participants or elderly who will benefit the project. Moreover, not all elderly in need may be facilitated or accepted since the project is just starting out. The number of elderly individuals that could be accommodated will be limited. The Aging Healthy and Securely program aims to solve the problems presented above. The (Name of submitting Organization) wishes to complete the project, financially supported by the government, within the time allotted for the aforementioned project. We expect the fervent involvement or support of the HUD, State Housing Authority, city funds and other related organizations. Procedures Washington is one of the many cities faced with problems on elderly housing. The elderly population rate is overwhelming. Over 33 million people in the United States are now above 65 years of age and by the year 2020 it will increase to about 53 million, or one in every six Americans. To add, a great number of these elderly individuals need nursing care or health care. In spite of the relationship between health and housing, the health concerns of an aging individual are attended to by one agency or set of services while the same individual’s housing concerns are tackled by different sets of nonprofit and/or government organizations. This separation is directly related to the way the housing and health industries were planned and considered and continue to function in distinct markets. While the private sector has created a greater number of models that unite both health and housing services, the public sector has continued to branch out the two. Public subsidies are intended to create either health or housing services but not both. Government-sponsored health programs and housing programs were devised to give off distinct public goods (Burkhardt, 1999). They were formed in isolation, as different line items in local, state and federal governments. Public housing programs and government mortgage subsidies were shaped to increase the number of inexpensive and sufficient housing units. The public system of health services was set up to support general public health and well-being, to offer health care for the very poor and to lessen the possibility of an outbreak or epidemic. The undertakings of public health and housing agencies were not only independent but mutually exclusive. From the information and figures presented at the current time, the future for the elderly individuals appear vague and unclear The need for a healthy, safe and decent reasonably priced housing and related services for the elderly is very critical. This alarming statistics gave the drive to (Name of the submitting Organization) come up with housing community consisting of 40 rooms (ten for offices and 30 for the elderly) which not only shelter these individuals but also provide staff that could attend to their health needs. Approach Driven by the best intentions, the (Name of the submitting Organization) envisions the program to be multifaceted, wide-ranging and innovative. The city has an immense necessity for additional reasonably priced or affordable housing for the elderly. The (Name of the submitting Organization) had identified a strategic location and will put up a 30 units/rooms elderly housing community. The location in which the housing community will be located is one sit which elderly housing has been identified as an essential need. Above and beyond the transitional housing, there will be a wide-ranging medical and social service and housing component involved in the program. Albeit the Washington state has homes for the aged, there is difficulty in looking for an elderly housing which is affordable and provides health care at its best.   Most of the new constructed buildings in the city are for market rate units or commercial ones. This will have no effect on the increasing elderly population requiring housing and health assistance. There great numbers of depreciated buildings or deserted residences which if given attention and financed adequately, can be converted into elderly housing units. Target Population/Participants   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The target population for the Aging Healthy and Securely program are those elderly individuals who are in need of medical or nursing assistance and who can not afford to stay in expensive elderly housing and health care units. To note worthwhile, the program will house those physically, financially and economically underprivileged elderly individuals with ages of 65 years and above. Elderly individuals with ages 60-64 years may be selected provided their illnesses call for immediate rehabilitation and care. Selection and screening of these elderly will not be very easy for the staff members assigned or the selection group. The selection of those individuals will be based on the family backgrounds, economic status, health records, financial capacity and other details or information material to the program’s criteria collated by an assigned committee. Materials or records from the following may be used to select those elderly individuals that may be housed; community or local agencies like health centers/hospitals for medical records, National Statistics Office for identification and personal records, social service and welfare agencies, public and privately-governed homeless centers, nursing homes, etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, over and above being in poor health condition, the elderly individuals must have a very low income and neglected by their family members. Only the sickest and the poorest seniors will be selected for the program. All selection works are to be carried out without consideration of an individuals ethnic group, civilization, race, sex, or sexual orientation, and a statement to this effect will accompany all public service announcements, advertisements, and locally-placed flyers or posters. All selection will be done without bias and prejudice. Work Plan Activities The schedule below shows the various informative, motivational, spiritual and educational activities of the elderly housing and health care program. Morning- Evening Daily Activities * Spiritual Healing (includes praying, sharing or reading of inspirational passages)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   * Personal Hygiene check up (includes medical treatment, bath for the elderly, etc.) * Meal time (serving of food in accordance to the health diet prescribed and suggested by attending doctor and nutritionist respectively) * Leisure/Recreational (includes watching TV, socializing with co-elderly and staff, reading books, strolling, etc.) Deliverables   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aside from the nursing and medical team whom will take care of the elderly, the housing units also observe infrastructure design and housing needs of the elderly. The building includes features like handrails or grab bars, raised lettering or Braille, elevator or stair lift, faucets, or cabinets, special sinks, specially equipped telephones, extra wide doors or hallways, ramps, push bars on doors, flashing lights, special wall sockets or light switches and the like. Sustainability   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If funded sufficiently, the elderly health and housing care will tend to a lot of elderly individuals in need. After the construction of the housing units and when the operation   is on full blast already, the (Name of submitting organization) will conduct a fund-raising activities every now and then for the maintenance of the housing community. Moreover, the (Name of submitting organization) will continue to seek financial assistance from the government from time to time to meet the program’s financial obligations with the staff members as well as for the maintenance of the units and facilities. Program Activities Elderly individuals will be categorized or leveled when deciding for the room assignments. Those with chronic and contagious diseases must be isolated from the rest. Female elderly must be separated from the male elderly in terms of room occupancy. As to food serving, nutritionists must take into consideration the sickness or health conditions of these elderly. To add, attending doctors/nurses must have seminars on motivational skills every now and then to apply such I their workplace. They should encourage these elderly individuals to manifest their talents. Motivational and recreational activities must be tolerated and accordingly, the (Name of the submitting Organization) can conduct a program presenting these elderly individuals with their skills and talents. This could not only lead to a fund-raising activity but an enjoyable and remarkable activity for the elderly individuals trying to make the most out of their remaining precious years. Evaluation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The (Name of submitting organization)’s housing and health management program will be measured in terms of efficiency and performance by submitting a project report upon the end of the fiscal year. The details, figures and information presented will be accurate, material, timely, consistent and will reflect the program’s outcomes and achievements. Likewise, program’s activities will be evaluated upon the end of the fiscal year. What is more, audited financial statements will also be presented so as to monitor expenses and clearly trace the breakdown of the requested amount or the grant money. Dissemination   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The administrator, managers and board of directors as well as the staff members will promptly hold meetings and conferences to voice out problems, discuss concerns and devise plans and actions to further improve the housing and health programs suitable for the elderly and to achieve desired outcomes, objectives and goals. Performance appraisal and evaluation will likewise be conducted every now and then to measure who among the staff carries out his/her duties well and who does not. Qualifications/Personnel The community would be managed by an administrator having 4 managers, 5 department heads, 30 professional caregivers/nurses, 20 clerical and technical staff and 15 maintenance staff.   Forty employees would be working full time and the remaining 35 employees would be working part time. Selection of the staff members will be done rigidly since the main aim of the program is to deliver a quality service. Interviews, exams (technical and psychological) and background investigations will be carried out accordingly. Staff members recruited for the elderly housing and health program will be required to work efficiently as a team. Team effort is a main consideration to come up with a friendly working environment.   A lot of the staff will work with the elderly individuals in more than one assignment area and all will be expected to deliver elderly nursing care, therapy and related tasks with the group as well as a traditional elderly training and nursing roles. Each and every one of the staff members will have to spend substantial individual time developing elderly motivational and educational skills and activities or materials. With the purpose of making the team-building process possible, all elderly housing and health care staff members will take part in a one-week seminar/conference consists of workshops and deliberations paying attention on the elderly community, the nursing care provided to elderly, fund-raising activities to be done, the programs population, and the mission and goals of the project. The (Name of the submitting organization) will seek assistance from local homeless institutions or centers once in a while like (please indicate a name of existing housing institution in the city which caters to the same category). This institution had helped lots of elderly individuals concerning their housing problems. They already developed a lot of activities beneficial for the elderly individuals. This institution had been a recognized center in affordable elderly housing and care management programs. Budget   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The grant funds from the Housing and Urban Development will be utilized for the construction of new elderly community (with 30 rooms) building and some will be used for Non-Housing component of the program. The estimated elderly individuals that can be sheltered within a year would total to 200-300. The programs Administrative cost will be approximately 14 percent of the grant budget. The planning procedure has taken into consideration all realistic and reasonable expenses to be incurred in relation to the implementation of the elderly housing and health care program. The (Name of the submitting organization) has had far-reaching knowledge and experience in overseeing, implementing and directing instruction and medical/nursing or social programs and these expertise and experiences have been already applied to work out both the program and the budget. The (Name of submitting organization) had come up with a comprehensive or thorough program model which takes into consideration all of the measures and decisive factors like salaries, medical/laboratory tools and equipments, medicines, staff uniforms medicines, operational costs, overhead costs, program activities, insurances, and the like. This program model serves as the basis for the cost estimates to be incurred by the elderly and health care program. Some other costs that will be incurred will consist of motivational and recreational activities/programs, therapy and counseling/support services, management development and housing management program. The program is based on long-term goals and foresees to help a lot of elderly individual. Safety and good health will be given emphasis all throughout the program’s existence and all development in the course of the program will be anchored in competence, facility, attention and reliability. Quality service will be the aim of the staff members at all times. Condensed Housing and Urban Development grant cost breakdown is as follows: Housing Component- $100,000.00 Non-Housing Component $200,000.00 Administrative Cost $100,000.00 Total Grant Budget $400,000.00 Administrative costs consist of all of the financial and program reporting guidelines as it should be, accounting and auditing costs, payroll and secretarial work and other standard administrative costs. References Burkhardt, John. (1999). Mobility Needs in a Maturing Society. Coming of Age, Federal Agencies and the Longevity Revolution. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (1999). Housing Our Elders. Washington. Kochera, Andrew. (2001). A Summary of Federal Rental Housing Programs. AARP Public Policy Institute. Lawler, Kathryn. (2001). Aging in Place, Coordinating Housing and Health Care Provision for America’s Growing Elderly Population. Fellowship Program for Emerging Leaders in Community and Economic Development. Washington: Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation. Smith, Gary, et al. (2000). Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer. Department of Health and Human Services. Soldier, Travis W. Housing options for the Elderly. Retrieved June 19, 2006 from